How to Update your Personal Information

You can  add your chosen (preferred) name , personal pronouns, a diploma name,  emergency contacts and more. 

Using your phone? See instructions for changing your personal information using the mobile app.

Step 1: Sign into myHumboldt and open your Student Center. (Look for the grad cap icon)

Step 2: View the Personal Information section, select Names or an option from the Other Profile Information dropdown.

  • To add or change pronouns, select Pronouns and skip to Step 4B
  • To add or change your address, select Adresses and skip to Step 4C.

 Step 3: The Edit window will open for the option you selected.  (This example is for entering a preferred name. )

  • "Add a new" button to add a chosen (preferred) name.
  • Click on the pencil icon to edit existing information.
List of current names, primary, preferred, diploma

Step 4: (Names) Enter your information and click OK. Click Save.
Name Type: Preferred. Enter your name information.

Step 5: (Names)  Look for confirmation that the new information was successfully saved. Click on OK to return. 
The save was successful.

Step 4B: (Pronouns) Select your pronouns from the dropdown list. If yours isn't there, select Not Listed. 
Pronoun dropdown: decline, he/him/his; she/her/hers; they/them/theirs; use name

Step  5B: (Pronouns) If you selected pronouns from the list, they will autopopulate the fields.  If you selected Not Listed, enter your pronouns in the Subject, Object and Possessive fields. Click Save.
Subject, Object and Possessive pronoun fields
Note: Once you click Save, your pronouns will show up immediately on class rosters. You will not receive a confirmation message. 

Address Changes

Step 4C:  Click the edit link (pencil icon) to change an existing address or select the "Add a new address" button to add an additional address.
Each address type has an edit link in the same row

Step 5C:  The Edit Address window will open. Enter your new address or edit the existing address.
Step 6C: Select OK.
Edit Address window